Promotional Umbrellas and Children

Yes, promotional umbrellas can be targeted at children too. Over a period they can become loyal customers too. Even if their loyalty might not translate into a sale every time, they can be important from a brand retention point of view. Children get easily obsessed with a particular thing and that obsession can continue for a long time. If your company rides on the wave of this obsession with its promotional umbrella, you could make a customer for life. This customer might influence his or her children to use your company and its products. So with an umbrella, whose per unit cost is higher than other promotional items like pens, coffee mugs or mouse mats, your company is making customers across generations.

Certain events lend themselves well to giving away umbrellas to the children, such as the opening of a store. If it is a toy or book store, then giving out an umbrella to children can be worthwhile. Even when the store is not meant for children, it makes sense to hand out umbrellas. Suppose your company manufactures kitchen supplies and is opening a store in the mall. Housewives, working women will come to the store to check out the wares and there is a good chance that their children will accompany them. A clever way of winning the mother's heart is by making the children happy. Instead of giving something to the mother for the household, give an umbrella to the child and the she will be delighted and she will be a much more pliable customer.

Umbrella Childrens

While designing umbrellas for the children, you will have to pay special attention to the size, colour of the canopy and the handle. First and foremost consider the weight and the size of the children's umbrella. It cannot be too heavy nor can it be too big. It must be possible for the child to hold it and open. So the opening mechanism must be easy enough too.

Children love dazzling, intense colors. They go for the glitter, flashing lights and bold, shining letters. So in case of the children the rule to follow is "more is more". Also consider what you want to write on the children's promotional umbrella. If the name of your company is hard to read, it will more sense to write maybe the name of your company's product. In short write something that a child can read, remember and learn.

Promotional Umbrellas and Children

Imogen Brown is the marketing manager for Clickpromogifts one of the UK's premier suppliers of promotional umbrellas and custom printed promotional umbrellas.


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